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Partnership Project : KA2 Enseignement Scolaire

Hongrie, Turquie, Roumanie, Royaume Uni, France

The project ,, Knowing you Knowing me   » is a partnership between six schools from  France- coordinator, Romania, Hungary, UK,  and Turkey- partners.
This project emerged from the common needs of students and teachers from partner schools to address the issue of violence in schools, reduce absenteeism and dropout.
On the other hand after the needs analysis, there was a institutional need  motivating students to develop Key Competences, in accordance with the implementation of Europe 2020 Strategy and special English language.
In this context, partner schools found religion as a common theme of interest to attract students to school and participation in project activities, motivating learning of English for communication between partners.
Our Partnership aims to develop knowledge among young people and educational staff about the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value.
We intend to improve English as working language, and develop issues like songs, dances, customs (festivals) and traditions in an interesting approach. We want to know more and give the opportunity our students to acquire the basic life-skills and competences necessary to their personal development. As we know, some pupils are at risk and have different interests, so, we want to give them more opportunities and reach their interests developing the feeling of tolerance and cooperation with others with a ITC aproach (blog, e-mail,  videoconference, movies edition,…).
Through this project students will become in contact with different countries, cultures and ways of life. They will realise that despite the differences, all European citizens are similar.
In other way, we want to give to teachers, new oportunities for develop their skills and competences to a training course about Intercultural Education, three seminars concerning Good Practices in School Management, pedagogical issues concerning Children With Disability and to promote  activities for Develop critical thinking for  students.
All the stages of the project will take place at the same time in the partner countries and there will be project meetings in each partner’s country to present all the works: E-Dictionary, Turist guide,  and Intellectual outputs curricula ,,Intercultural Education for a inclusive school » and E-book  with a collection of  stories, illustrations about most important holidays and festivals, traditional song and dances  ,,Blooming Flowers in Festivals ».
Students will get together and present songs, dances, play sports and take part to courses about Icon Painting- Greece and marble Art- Turkey. Using modem communication technology and digital equipment (computer, laptop, camera, video camera etc.) will allow every student to get fully involved in the project work. The participants intend to integrate methods of creative writing into language teaching, both in foreign languages as in the mother tongue.
We hope to explore the European dimension with our partners, making the experience real for our students and teachers, promoting intercultural dialogue among partner schools, encourage their curiosity and openness to different cultures and languages and lifestyle.  We hope to gain our students respect and tolerance to other cultures. There is a need to promote an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe.
We strongly believe that by this project students and teachers will be much more motivated to learn foreign languages and other cultures. Our project will make a practical contribution to make our schools more attractive for students and parents and to reduce  violence and school dropout.
To realize this project it will be important that students, teachers, school administrators and parents share their opinions and thoughts.
In a world full of violence and terrorism, this project has the message for the young generation, for students, teachers and parents and a urge to tolerance, for friendship, understanding, respect and kindness and a message: ,, Knowing You Knowing Me »for a better world!

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